Biomagnetic Pair Therapy also known in Europe and other countries as Medical Biomagnetism is a scientifically sound alternative treatment that may help restore and maintain physical and mental health.
On 1988 Dr. Isaac Goiz, Medical Surgeon, discovered the Biomagnetic Pair through which the vibrational therapy screens the body for all the pathogens that cause a dysfunction on the person and restores health by balancing the acidity and alkaline levels of the body by applying magnets of medium intensity to specific areas that are unbalanced.
Up to present and after 20 years of practicing Medical Biomagnetism, Dr. Goiz has identified more than 350 pairs that cover most of the glandular dysfunctions, diseases, syndromes and illnesses such as diabetes, cancer and HIV as well as emotional pairs. In general, common diseases are produced by a single Bio-Magnetic Pair (BMP). Complex diseases are the result of association of two or more BMPs.
The admirable simplicity of this system allows working with powerful but inoffensive magnets of different forms from which amazing results are obtained. Medical Biomagnetism is a new revolutionary, scientific and therapeutic approach to healing that differs from Traditional Medicine, Homeopathy, Herbs and Naturism. It is also a Therapy free of side effects, perfectly compatible with any other traditional or alternative practice.
Dr Goiz discovered that viruses and fungus have a symbiotic relationship as well as bacterias do with parasites. Also bacterias and viruses resonate with each other which causes illness, being one of them pathogen and the other non pathogen depending of the specific illness. Bacterias and parasites live and grow in an alkaline enviroment while viruses and fungus live and grow in an acidic enviroment.
It is possible to recover health through bio-magnetic fields of medium intensity, produced by natural magnets of 1,000 to 15,000 power of attraction (Gauss), applied in pairs in specific parts of the body called Bio-magnetic Pairs BMP. This neutralizes the pH of the area and pathogens inmediately die since they can not survive in a neutral pH enviroment. Cells become healthy and the body starts healing itself, surprisingly fast.
On 1988 Dr. Isaac Goiz, Medical Surgeon, discovered the Biomagnetic Pair through which the vibrational therapy screens the body for all the pathogens that cause a dysfunction on the person and restores health by balancing the acidity and alkaline levels of the body by applying magnets of medium intensity to specific areas that are unbalanced.
Up to present and after 20 years of practicing Medical Biomagnetism, Dr. Goiz has identified more than 350 pairs that cover most of the glandular dysfunctions, diseases, syndromes and illnesses such as diabetes, cancer and HIV as well as emotional pairs. In general, common diseases are produced by a single Bio-Magnetic Pair (BMP). Complex diseases are the result of association of two or more BMPs.
The admirable simplicity of this system allows working with powerful but inoffensive magnets of different forms from which amazing results are obtained. Medical Biomagnetism is a new revolutionary, scientific and therapeutic approach to healing that differs from Traditional Medicine, Homeopathy, Herbs and Naturism. It is also a Therapy free of side effects, perfectly compatible with any other traditional or alternative practice.
Dr Goiz discovered that viruses and fungus have a symbiotic relationship as well as bacterias do with parasites. Also bacterias and viruses resonate with each other which causes illness, being one of them pathogen and the other non pathogen depending of the specific illness. Bacterias and parasites live and grow in an alkaline enviroment while viruses and fungus live and grow in an acidic enviroment.
It is possible to recover health through bio-magnetic fields of medium intensity, produced by natural magnets of 1,000 to 15,000 power of attraction (Gauss), applied in pairs in specific parts of the body called Bio-magnetic Pairs BMP. This neutralizes the pH of the area and pathogens inmediately die since they can not survive in a neutral pH enviroment. Cells become healthy and the body starts healing itself, surprisingly fast.